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Non-Chargeable List Fiscal Year 2025 

Addiction Services   

Court-Based Screening  

General Education or Prevention Services   

In Prison/Detention Center Services   

Education, Prevention provided to adolescents in a school setting   


Developmental Disabilities Services   

Court-Ordered Examinations   


Environmental/Laboratory Testing Services   

Environmental and laboratory testing and water supply analysis as part of an infectious disease and environmental hazard examination.   


General/Screening Health Services   

Dental Screening   

Tobacco Cessation Programs   


Infectious Disease Services 

HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing   

STI Diagnosis and Treatment for individuals ˂19 years of age 

STI Outreach   

TB Diagnosis and Treatment  

Infectious Disease Testing   


Immunization Services 

Immunization Record Review   

Emergency Preparedness – Screening for and administration of immunizations for traditional and other emergency responders during a local or state public health emergency event.    


Mental Health Services   

Court-Ordered Examinations   

Hotline Services   

Peer Support Services   

In-Prison/Detention Centers Services   

Supported Employment Services   

Mobile Crisis Services   

Approved by Health Officers/MACHO  06.13.2024 
