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Business Colleagues

Payer Contract Services

Credentialing Audit

Credentialing & Payer Enrollment

​Contract & Fee Schedule Analysis

Payer Negotiations

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Our team consists of credentialing experts to ensure that your organization is enrolled in the insurance that best suit your business. We utilize our insurance network connections and keep our clients informed throughout the entire process.

Credentialing Audit

Keeping track of insurance participation allows organizations to track funding and manage reimbursement guideline adherence. We deploy our participation gap analysis to mitigate non-payments.

Contract & Fee Schedule Analysis

Understanding what you are being paid and conducting comparative analysis allows our team to identify opportunities to stop revenue leakage and maximize payer fee schedules.

Credentialing & Payer Enrollment

Payer enrollment and re-attestation are critical components of reimbursement. We initiate and complete the insurance participation, enrollment, and credentialing process on behalf of your organization.

Payer Negotiations

Communication is key; our team leverages our understanding of payer protocols to advocate for our clients for fair and equitable contract language and payment rates.

What Our Clients Say

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Members of Medchi

"The team approach, varied skill sets and passion for what they do adds to the overall value of MedChi membership."
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